If you moved the default VST3 folder location, the plug-in installer will not redirect to that location. You have to move the plug-in to your custom location. Please look in the default locations:
- (VST3 and AU): '/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins'
- (AAX): 'HD/Library/Application Support/Avid/Audio/Plug-Ins'
- PC
- (VST3): 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3'
- (AAX): 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\Avid\Audio\Plug-Ins'
If that does not work, try clearing the plugin cache:
MacOS and VST2, VST3, and AU formats:
- Close Studio One.
- Using macOS Finder go to “~/Library/Application Support/PreSonus/Studio One 6/x64/” (without the quotes).
- Manually delete the PluginBlacklist.settings file (to delete the blacklist).
- Manually delete the PlugInScanner.log file (to force a complete new plug-ins scan).
- Re-open Studio One.
Windows and VST2, and VST3 formats:
- Close Studio One.
- Press Windows key + R.
- Enter “C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\PreSonus\Studio One 6\x64\” (without the quotes), and click on OK.
- Manually delete the PluginBlacklist.settings file (to delete the blacklist).
- Manually delete the PluginScanner.log file (to force a completely new plug-ins scan.
- Re-launch Studio One
After deleting the plug-ins cache files, on the next run, Studio One will re-scan all of your VST2/VST3/AU plug-ins, and depending on the number of VST2/ VST3/AU plug-ins installed, the process may take several minutes.